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Contact: Request a quote or support

Please write an email to webmaster[a]fiberdesk[dot]com or use the form below.

Send us a messageand we’ll get back to you shortly.

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Get a quote:
  • Each fiberdesk license is protected by a hardware dongle. It can be ordered as a local, driverless USB key for an arbitrary computer, required to stay plugged-in while running fiberdesk.

  • Alternatively, a net key is available for network use. You only need to specify the number of simultaneous logins (each are counted as a single license).

  • Pleas tell us, how many licenses you need and we'll get back with a quote or, for PR China and Japan, with a dedicated local supplier.

Request an online course:

  • You can book online courses. Please indicate how many people participate and your favoured content. We'll come back to you with a quote.

Technical support:

  • If you have any problems using the software, please let us know, we are there to help you. Prepare a detailed description and screenshots, which you can also send by email (see top of this page). Please also take a look at the FAQ section to see, what information we request, if there are technical problems.

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