An unimportant fact: in the last 10 years, fiberdesk's lines of code increased from 45356 to 71394.
A new update for all versions has been uploaded, correcting the following bugs or issues:
Two Photon Absorption only worked with SPM only, now should work in all cases and is under test (see e.g. Henrik Steffensen,* Christian Agger, and Ole Bang, "Influence of two-photon absorption on soliton self - frequency shift," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 29, No. 3 / March 2012)
The SaveSingeLoop dialog now remembers the settings for the current document and element container but is reset for any new document (or restart).
Some parameters, like the <array size> or <repetition rate> in the "Create Pulse Dialog" changed when loading an element from the element container.
fiberdesk crashed when an element was propagated directly from the menu.
The thrid option of the saturable absorber (sin-model) was not correctly saved and used.
Propagation of a field manipulation lead to a crash.